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Premium Quality Removable Denture
As the microscope and its devices play a prominent role in the retention of teeth, GC’s latest development called Gradia gum shades is also unique in dentistry, enabling lifelike and aesthetic, partially or completely removable dental prostheses. With the exclusive quality set of teeth and the individually characterized artificial gingiva, the aesthetic appearance of the removable denture reaches a higher level. Completely and partially removable dentures are prepared in similar steps
- 1. Anatomical impression: we take impression of the most important pieces in the mouth, such as: teeth when present, jaw ridge (dental alveolus), folding parts, sticking of mimetic musculatures
- 2. The dental laboratory subsequently produces a unique impression tray according to the patient’s oral pieces, which allows the dentist to take a functional, precise impression of the oral pieces.
- 3. The lab prepares a bite plate, and by using it, the dentistry registers the relation between the upper and lower teeth, then the appropriate color of the teeth is selected together with the patient. If there are teeth in the mouth, it is advisable to choose a suitable tooth color according to those.
- 4. In the next session, the patient can see the inclination of the teeth in the prostheses, etc. if it is necessary to change them
- 5. It is the last time when the denture is delivered. The doctor provides appropriate instructions for the patient about using the denture.
Azokban az esetekben ha a fogpótlás használatával kapcsolatban nehézségei vannak a páciensnek keresse fel fogorvosát, mert számos oka lehet a fogsor instabilitásának. Az esetek többségében az alsó kivehető fogsorral szokott problémája lenni a páciensnek, mert kicsi az a felület ami az adheziót (tapadást) segíti.
Mindig van megoldás!
Ilyen esetekben a tűimplantátumok alkalmazásával (2-4-6 implantátum beültetésével) kellő stabilitást lehet elérni a fogsoroknál.
A prosthesis that is made with the Gradia gum shades system offers far more than those made with the technologies known so far:
- It has been developed to be able to reproduce the visible colors of natural gums.
- It contains almost unlimited possibilities for gum reproduction.
- It carries the excellent mechanical and physical properties of micro-charged composites.
- Easy to polish and clean.
- Can be used in combination with ceramics/porcelain.
- The design and staining of the gum is applicable not only for removable or partially removable prostheses, but also for implantation constructions, crowns and bridges as well.

The Course of Implantation
Panoráma rtg, állcsont vizsgálat, anamnézis felvétel után. Ha nem találunk olyan okot, ami kontraindikálttá tenné a beavatkozást, akkor elvégezhető.
A legtöbb esetben vágás-varrás nélkül is megoldható (a páciensek örömére) csupán annyi fájdalmat kell eltűrni amennyi az érzéstelenítő injekció beadásával jár.Az implantátumok behelyezése rövid időn belül megtörténik. A furatok elkészítése után a mini implantátumok behelyezése következik és akár azonnal felhelyezhető rá kivehető fogpótlása.
- insertion does not require surgical exploration
- the healing of soft tissue is quick
- no need for sutures
- does not cause any serious postoperative pain
- causes only minimal bleeding
- existing denture (after thoroughly examined by a doctor) or new denture can be attached to the needle implant
- though the prosthesis is still removable, but it remains permanently in place after fixing, which makes it safe to use
- cleaning the protruding parts of the implants is an easy task, so the patient can keep it clean and hygienic
The longer threaded portion of the one-piece implant is fixed to the bone, the round head part extends out of the jaw ridge in the mouth. The denture base plate incorporates the patent house of the round head, the denture is fixed into it by a rubber ring or a plastic cap.

Premium quality removable dentures
Just as the microscope and its associated devices play an outstanding role in maintaining teeth, GC's latest development, Gradia gum shades, is also unique in dentures, which can be used to create lifelike and aesthetic partial and fully removable dentures. With the help of the exclusive quality dentures and the individually characterized artificial gums, the aesthetic appearance of the removable dentures is raised to a higher level.

The Smile Design Center team
Juhász Viktória
Fogászati asszisztens
Dr. Hadar László
Szondi Ivett
páciens koordinátor
Dr. Dudás Henrietta
Dr. Katona Gergely
Dr. Gulácsi Gabriella
fogszabályozó szakorvos
Gulyás-Tóth Viktória
páciens koordinátor
Kész Enikő
Fogászati asszisztens
Nagy Bettina
Fogászati asszisztens
Serbán Ágota
Fogászati asszisztens
Dr. Shamim Nikkhah
Vass-Karácsony Fruzsina
fogászati asszisztens, dentál dentálhigiénikus
Dr. Gerzsenyi Krisztián
Fogorvos, Szájsebész
Homoki Csilla
Ügyvezető Igazgató
Dr. Sándor Homoki
Vezető Fogorvos, Ügyvezető Igazgató
Jeszenszki Regina
asszisztens, dentál dentálhigiénikus
Patient Opinions
I went here yesterday for a filling change! It's true that my dentist, or more precisely my dentist, was different than before, but I think he is also a professional in dentistry, my teeth are better than when they were "new"! A 5* for Dr. Katalin Kaluja!
Pain is not part of the treatment, nor is humiliation. Certainly not here. I can only thank you for the soothing atmosphere, the positive attitude, the extraordinary precision and professional preparation, the many smiles and encouragement!
I thought for a long time about how to put into words my experience during and after the dental treatments, but I couldn't find the right words to express my gratitude and the gratitude I feel.
Good thing is that I did not feel anything from the whole procedure. The calm nature of the Doctor also reassured me in the dentist's chair. Additionally, filling and dental prostheses were needed, now all is done. No one can tell which is natural and which is artificial
The doctor is characterized by a high degree of professional preparation and precise, precise work! He is smiling, kind and patient with his patients, and the assistants are also helpful!
The nicest people I've ever met in a dental office work there. Their work is also first class. I can only recommend.
I thought for a long time about how to put into words my experience during and after the dental treatments, but I couldn't find the right words to express my gratitude and the gratitude I feel.
Pain is not part of the treatment, nor is humiliation. Certainly not here. I can only thank you for the soothing atmosphere, the positive attitude, the extraordinary precision and professional preparation, the many smiles and encouragement!
The doctor is characterized by a high degree of professional preparation and precise, precise work! He is smiling, kind and patient with his patients, and the assistants are also helpful!
Good thing I didn't feel any of it. The Doctor's calm nature also calmed me down in the dentist's chair. No one can tell which is the original and which is the replacement.
The nicest people I've ever met in a dental office work there. Their work is also first class. I can only recommend.
Tooth extraction is really painless! This is professionalism, Antal Sánta! I can only recommend it to everyone! Everyone is very kind and direct! 5 stars for me!